After the comet- The Avatar returns

Urgent promblem in the fire nation 

The prince is revealed 

Zuko's fight ends- The return of  fire lord Zuko

Azula's revenge 

 Love and Honor

Trip to the Northern air temple 

At the air temple 

 Zuko's mom is dead

The comming of Jet: The Sacred Air 

The return of Zuko's mother 

The true Avatar 

Grandma Malu 

The story of the rebelious leader, Afiko 

The new heir is....... 

Young Susa 

Checkpoint reached: The happy state 

Checkpoint secured: The air nomad state 

Checkpoint incomplete: The stage of hate 

The hardest checkpoint: The stage of hate 

Checkpoint complete- The stage of death 

Surpassing the master 

The test of air 

The story closes 

Zuko vs Kauko 

The holy revival of the Fire lord 

All stages unlocked: The sacred air 

The results of air 

 The air nomads last stand

The 2 rivals stand 

The last airbenders 

The Kyoshi warriors 

Afiko strikes back 

Zuna intervenes 

The battle is over 

We are one 

Freindships from love 

The Avatar's last stand 

One more chance 

The end of Avatar 

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