
Kauko- The lighting prince.  He looks like Zuko, bot has a blue mark on the opposite side of his eye. He also works with Azula. Kauko was defeated so made to work with Azula.

Azula- freed from her prison by a ban of strangers.  she was taken to a unknown land. She believes it to be her  booming point. Later after rigorous training and discussing Azula battle the prince for who would take the throne. Kauko was meant to, but Azula's easy thinking made her find away to take the throne. Azula defeated Kauko.

Boka- A surviving air bender. He has lived to be one of the oldest living air nomads.  Boka survived off of the a great air bending. He teaches AAng this great ability.  

Sora-  Boka's first apprentice who survived with Boka. Sora becomes AAng's greatest rival.

That is all for now.

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